
NMPMA Digital News Archives 2024 - Link

The New Mexico Board of Podiatry as of July 1, 2023 has been transitioned from NM Regulation & Licensing Department to the New Mexico Medical Board (NMMB).  Questions about licensing need to be addressed through the NMMB.

New Mexico Medical Board  2055 S Pacheco St Bldg 400   Santa Fe, NM  87505

Monique M. Parks  Licensing Manager  Phone: 505-476-7232    (fax) 505-476-7233  Email:

PSEP/WICHE - Podiatry is back in this Loan Program !

The purpose of the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) Loan-For-Service Program is to allow New Mexico students to enroll at selected out-of-state graduate or professional programs which are not offered at New Mexico public universities.

Exchange students receive preference in admission. They pay reduced levels of tuition; for most students, resident tuition in public institutions or reduced standard tuition at private schools. New Mexico pays a support fee to the admitting school to help cover the cost of students’ education.

As a condition of each loan, the student shall declare his/her intent to return to New Mexico to practice as a professional in their field of study.

For every year of service provided, a portion of the loan will be forgiven. If the entire service agreement is fulfilled, 100% of the loan is eligible for forgiveness. Penalties will be assessed if the service agreement is not satisfied.

WICHE Loan-For-Service Program | NM Higher Education Department 

2024 APMAPAC Stats :      NMPMA Total Contributions - $7300   NMPMA Participation: 35% 

Donate to APMAPAC

The American Podiatric Medical Association Political Action Committee (APMAPAC) is a nonprofit, bipartisan fundraising committee through which podiatrists support federal candidates who champion podiatric medicine’s issues before the US Congress. 

Make your online donation to APMAPAC

PURPOSE: The American Podiatric Medical Association Political Action Committee’s purpose is to raise and disburse funds to candidates for Federal office that support the legislative priorities and goals of the podiatric medical profession.

IMPORTANT: You may contribute or not contribute without concern of being favored or disadvantaged. Occupation/Employer information is required for aggregate annual contributions of more than $200.00 by the Federal Election Campaign Act. Federal election law does not permit corporate contributions to be used for donation to candidates for federal office. Political contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. 

National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) has released the update to Guiding Principles for the Care of People with or at Risk for Diabetes

This resource provides a set of 10 clinically useful principles highlighting areas of agreement in diabetes care and prevention. APMA has signed on as one of the 20 professional organizations and federal agencies supporting the use of Guiding Principles.

In Guiding Principles, NDEP has not created new guidelines, but rather clarified where there is general agreement across a wide range of existing guidelines. These principles represent a set of sound practices that clinicians can rely on to improve care for their patients with diabetes.

Link to Guiding Principles (full document).

NM Department of Health HAN (Health Alert Network)

To register in the HAN:
Open and click on the blue ‘Sign up’ link and provide all of the information on each page until you click on the ‘Finish’ button.

To contact HAN:
Phone:  (505) 476-8225


New Mexico Podiatric Medical Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. 725 Van Buren PL SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108

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